Marriage Builders Resource Center
P.O. Box 51888 - Sarasota, Florida 34232. (941) 376-9355


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National and Local Statistics

  • National failure rate of marriages: about 50%

  • Failure rate of marriages in Sarasota and Manatee County 75%

The divorce rate in Sarasota and Manatee Counties is above the national average, as can be seen by dividing the number of terminations by population for respective years as compared to the annual number of marriage licenses issued.  The combined population of Sarasota and Manatee County is approximately 650,000.

The Effects of Divorce

  • No one wins in a divorce.

  • Significant negative effects in virtually every realm of life.

  • One third of all children are born out of wedlock.

  • 35 million have seen their parents divorce since 1970.

Compared to children from intact families,
 children from broken homes are . . .

  • 5 times more likely to live in poverty.
  • 3 times more likely to be expelled from school.
  • 12 times more likely to be jailed.

Children from fatherless homes are . . .

  • 4 times more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol.
  • 2-3 times more likely to experience physical and emotional health problems.
  • 2 times more likely to drop out of school.
  • 5-10 times more likely to experience sexual activity and teen pregnancy.

How spouses are affected

When a couple divorces, it is not just a matter of one going one way and the other going another way. It is more like tearing apart two pieces of wood that have been glued together. Part of one's being is ripped away.


Divorcees are negatively affected emotionally, physically and financially.

The Solution

Become familiar with the concepts of a Community Marriage Policy(R) and how training Mentor Couples has helped more than 200 communities rally behind the goal to "radically reduce the divorce rate in area congregations."

The Method

Read about current plans and progress to implement The Marriage Savers Concept in Sarasota and Manatee Counties.

Marriage Builders Resource Center, Inc. is continuing the work started by Marriage Savers of the Suncoast and is currently:

  • Facilitating the addition of more clergy, business leaders, and civic leaders as signers of the Community Marriage Policy(R) that was signed in February 2006. (See the video)

  • Training marriage mentors

  • Consulting with churches and civic groups to develop marriage mentors and mentoring programs (see what is happening)

The Results

Divorce rates have plunged in numerous cities where clergy have created and signed  Community Marriage Policy. Marriage Saver congregations have also witnessed sharp declines among couples to the point of virtually eliminating divorce.


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