Our Vision...
to help lower the divorce rate in our communities by preparing,
strengthening and restoring marriages.
Our Mission...
to promote, in all communities the signing of a marriage policy
or covenant, to promote marriage enrichment education, and
create a network of mentor couples that will teach relationship,
communication and conflict resolution skills in their respective
Marriage Builders Resource Center will help you to create
a safety net in your communities by training Mentor Couples to
help other couples:
Avoid bad
marriages before they begin
"marriage insurance" to the engaged
your existing marriage
even the most troubled marriages
half of separated couples
- Enable
stepfamilies to be successful

Marriage Builders is a member
of the Community Mobilization Team of The Marriage CoMission,
a marriage strengthening initiative, in partnership with Chick-fil-A
Restaurants (2006 - to present). |

Campana, CDFA &
Marlene Campana, MBA, MA
Co-Executive Directors

Builders Resource Center, Inc.
We are a non-profit, faith-based agency and affiliate of
the national Marriage Savers organization founded in
by Michael and Harriet McManus. Marriage Savers®
has been profiled on NBC, CBS, ABC, the Oprah Winfrey
Show, two PBS specials in 2002, and were on Focus on the
Family in May of 2004. |