Time To Heal"
Philosophy and Approach:
We believe God desires that we live an abundant life able to
overcome life’s challenges. Broken relationships, difficult
family situations and career pressures can oftentimes contribute
to stress, anxiety, depression, grief and other emotional
struggles. We believe the coaching experience requires hard
work, courage, and trust. Therefore, our center is a “safe
place” where together we can help you let go of the past, live
in the present, and embrace the future.
To accomplish this we explore your relational and emotional
history to address past wounds and failures, and encourage
positive action that will help develop your self-confidence. In
developing an action plan, we utilize selected elements of PAIRS
(Practical Application of Intimate Relationship Skills) used
across the country for skills-based psycho-educational therapy
in the healing and enrichment of couple and family
Christian coaching may utilize practical skills from
psychology and counseling, while recognizing that the Bible, not
psychology, is the final authority. "His divine power has given
us everything we need for life and godliness through our
knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness (2
Peter 1:3).
A Christian relationship coach's strategy is to help clients
substitute biblical truth for error as they go about their daily
lives. Truth, when believed, and applied, sets people free. When
people are set free, they can live the abundant life and fulfill
their true purpose. "Then you will know the truth, and the truth
will set you free" (John 8:32).
Our Clientele:
As a faith-based coaching program, more than 50 percent of our
client referrals are from churches. The community as a whole is
serviced and spirituality is integrated into the coaching
process only at the request of the individual.
Hours & Appointment Policy:
Our office is open from 10:00a.m.until 8:00 p.m. - Monday thru
Friday. Some Saturday appointments are available.
Clients are seen by appointment only. Call 941-376-9355 to
obtain additional information, schedule an appointment, or make
a referral. Every attempt is made to meet the needs of our
5260 Paylor Lane
Sarasota, FL 34240
Appointments: (941) 376-9355
Map to Office - Click Here
Directions: Take Exit 213 off I-75; go East 1.6 miles on
University Pkwy into Lakewood Ranch. Make a right unto
Business Blvd then left onto Professional Pkwy East.
Professional Pkwy turns into Paylor Lane. The building
picture below is also the headquarters for NCCA. We are
housed in the same building.
